Join The Membership Drive Teleconference Tonight
Membership Drive Teleconference
Board Chair Invites You
Susan Fittanto, Sa Bom Nim, Board Chair invites you to join her TONIGHT for an informative teleconference focused on the 2018 Membership Drive to build your school.

A 45 minute Membership Drive teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday June 13, at 9:00 PM EST for all school owners.
Dial-in Number: (641) 552-9153
Access Code: 446250
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Grow Your School Using The 2018 Membership Drive
2018 Membership Drive
Certified School Owners
Dear School Owner,
I trust all is well.
As you are aware the 2018 Membership Drive is underway and includes some exciting new components, some of which are the result of proposals submitted to the Board from school owners.
Membership Drive supply kits are being packed and shipped this week, so you will very likely have them in hand before the teleconference. In the interim, you can download printable forms from the Membership Drive page:
A 45 minute Membership Drive teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday June 13, at 9:00 PM EST for all school owners.
Dial-in Number: (641) 552-9153
Access Code: 446250
The purpose of the call is to answer Q&A about any points of confusion and to allow school owners to share past Membership Drive and 2017 KDJSS Project experiences with others on the call:
  1. Q & A about the 2018 Membership Drive (15-20 Min)
    1. How it works
    2. Discounts,
    3. Commissions
    4. etc.
  2. Sharing your experiences from the 2016 Membership Drive  (10-15 Min)
  3. Sharing new student recruitment ideas from 2017 KDJSS Project outcomes  (10-15 Min)
FAQs are being added to the very bottom of the membership drive page as they are received. You can also submit your own FAQ using the form on the page.
If your schedule allows for you to participate in the call, that would be great.
Thank you for your support of the 2018 Membership Drive!
Phil Duncan
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