United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation A 501(c)(4) Nonprofit Members' Organization Since 1976
The Bad News Is...

Yesterday's email about the Self Defense Seminar by Sa Bom Nim Hays (Sat Jan 23, 11:00 AM Central) incorrectly stated it was Jan 30th.

Our Bad.

His Self Defense Seminar is TOMORROW Sat Jan 23
at 11:00 AM Central.

The Good News Is...

Even though yesterday's email announced the wrong date for the seminar by Sa Bom Nim Craig Hays, Self Defense With Stability, Mobility & Speed, all purchased tickets provide the correct date (Jan 23 11:00 AM Central) and the correct link to join in.


Now, about that Jan 30th date...

Sat Jan 30, 2021, 1:00 PM Pacific is the date and time for another spectacular TAC Seminar by Sa Bom Nim Brian Corrales: Moo Pahl Dan Kuhm Hidden Applications Revealed



The Technical Advisory Committee is currently scheduling a series of phenomenal seminars and you can monitor what's coming and get tickets by clicking on the events calendar from here:

Note: Regional and/or School events will also appear on the calendar when Regional Officials advise HQ about them.

Be sure to note the time zone for events and seminars so you do not have an Oops moment and miss one. :)

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United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation
20 Millburn Avenue Floor 2 Springfield, New Jersey 07081
Copyright 1976-2020