Greetings Federation Members and Leadership,


As many of you know, our 2024 National Festival and Championship begins Thursday in Myrtle Beach. As I sit on this airplane headed to South Carolina, I can’t help but reflect on all of the years I have been blessed to attend this event. From my first Nationals as a white belt (so nervous I did my Hyung one and a half times!) to competing in three team forms (That trophy still sits in Rocky Mountain Martial Arts!) to watching my son at his first Nationals as a Dan member in Oregon with all of the Youth Leaders, this event has always brought such great memories. 


Hwang Kwan Jang Nim, in his recent Inside to Outside Growth Tour, talks about strengthening both ourselves and the art by working from the inside out.  Our National and Regional Events allow us the opportunity to grow in both our training and in our Moo Duk Kwan relationships. 


As I scroll through social media platforms, my feed is overflowing with photos and comments from Moo Duk Kwan practitioners who have experienced the positive energy of training together.  When we come together, or contract,  we are so much the better as we expand back out to our Dojangs, families, communities and workplaces. This is the embodiment of growing the Art from the inside out. 


On behalf of the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, we would like to wish all those traveling to Nationals a wonderful experience. The training opportunities provided by the Technical Advisory Committee promise to be engaging and rewarding. The spirit of competition is a strong part of our Moo Do history. This is where your hard work pays off. As it is written in the Song of the Sip Sam Seh, “Surprising things will happen when you meet your opponent.” Embrace the experience, regardless of the outcome. 


If you aren’t able to attend this year, you can still grow from the energy around the event. Train a bit harder this week, add some light competition in your own school, send good wishes to your friends, and have a little fun! 


At this time we would also like to give a shout-out to our SBDMDK Foundation. The Foundation Board works tirelessly to raise money to support scholarships, training opportunities and much more. Please consider buying a Foundation 50/50 raffle ticket that will be drawn at the Festival Banquet. They are available at the event or online! 

There is a QR code attached below. Larger tax deductible contributions can also be made with the QR code. 

Upcoming Events:


The Board of Directors and TAC are committed to continuing the path of growth and inspiration. 


Our Moment with the Masters and Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa is the next opportunity to train on a National level. If you haven’t been before, it is truly where the magic happens. At MWM every member matters! Imagine a whole weekend of training with some of the best Instructors in the world including KJN, our TAC and many senior members.


For Dan Members and above there really isn’t anything so rewarding as attending the entire week as a visitor. Imagine about a half a year of training in just one week! Please consider joining us in Minneapolis In November for this premier Moo Duk Kwan event. 


As always, we sincerely thank you for your support of the MDK and your commitment to your training. 


Respectfully and In Moo Duk Kwan, 

Jen Rupert

Chair, USSBDMDK Board of Directors



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United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation
20 Millburn Avenue Floor 2 Springfield, New Jersey 07081
Copyright 1976-2020
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