Board Chair Update August 2018

Susan Fittanto, Sa Bom Nim, Board Chair

Susan Fittanto, Sa Bom Nim, Board Chair

Greetings Federation members and supporters,


I hope this finds you in good health and spirits.


The Board of Directors met at the National Festival in Montgomery, TX on August 9, 2018.  The following were the major discussion points and action items.


2019 National Festival

Region 10 brought a proposal to the Board to host the 2019 National Festival in Portland, OR and the Executive Administrator is in the process of vetting venues in the area that may be suitable for our event.  The Board authorized the EA to execute a contract with a suitable venue in Portland within 30 days. Absent, an acceptable contract with a venue in Region 10, a contract will be executed with La Torretta Resort in Montgomery, TX.  


Background Check Policy for Instructor Certification

The Executive Committee completed a draft of the Background Check Policy outlining the process by which the Federation will require and manage background checks for Certified Instructors starting January 1, 2019.  The draft policy is available for member review and feedback until August 31, 2018. After member feedback is received and considered, the Executive Committee will submit a final version of the Policy to the Board of Directors in an upcoming Board meeting for final approval.  


Household Lifetime Memberships

The Board voted to offer discounted Lifetime memberships to household membership holders until the end of the 2018 Membership Drive (October 31st) at the following rates:

  • First member (current rate)  $1700   (Single Lifetime Membership increases to $1800 Jan 1, 2019)
  • Second member $1500 
  • Third member $1300
  • Fourth member $1100
  • Fifth member $900

The viability of the Lifetime Household Membership program will be reassessed at the end of the Membership Drive.


Continuing Education and Professional Development for Instructors

The Board approved a Growth Teleconference Initiative in cooperation with the TAC Jin Heung Bu to provide continuing education and professional development opportunities for existing and future instructors and school owners.  The teleconferences will be organized by Master George Broyles who is the Board Vice-Chairman and will be held monthly unless more frequent teleconferences are desired by participants. The teleconferences will cover a variety of topics and will be led by various presenters.  

Suggestions for topics and presenters are encouraged and can be submitted through this online form (  ) or by contacting your regional Board Director or Master Broyles directly at  


Respectfully in the Moo Duk Kwan,

Susan Fittanto
Board Chair
Region 8

Susan Fittanto (8)

Susan Fittanto, Moo Duk Kwan® Dan Bon 41586 is a life member of the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® and an internationally certified Master level practitioner and Master level instructor (Sa Bom) of the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system taught in Moo Duk Kwan® schools worldwide.  She operates a Moo Duk Kwan® Certified school in Colorado and on 08/10/2017 she was  appointed by the Technical Advisory Committee Chairman as a Technical Advisory Committee Assistant. She also serves as the elected Board of Directors representative for Region 8 and in February 2018 she was elected by fellow Board Directors to serve as Chair of the Board of Directors from 02/29/2018 to 02/28/2019.