Calling All Silent Auction Donors!

Bill Nelson, Sa Bom

Bill Nelson, Sa Bom

You may have already received a call from Sa Bom Nim Bill Nelson who is seeking to acquire donated products and services to be auctioned off at the 2019 Silent Auction held at the National Festival in Portland Oregon July 25-27, 2019. Whether you received a call from him or not, please consider this his call to action for you to make a contribution to the 2019 Silent Auction.

Silent Auction proceeds go to support many different charitable and other causes important to the Federation that some  members may not even be aware of.  You can learn about some of them here.

Any kind of donation can help. Products, services, experiences and more can be donated and the donor receives a tax deduction for the value of their contribution to the Silent Auction.

To notify the team you are making a contribution, please contact the local Silent Auction team leader, Stephanie Fitts via email at and let her know about items you plan to bring and donate.  The onsite team needs time to organize items and prepare them for bidding, so your advance notice will be greatly appreciated.

Frank Tsai, Sa Bom

Frank Tsai, Sa Bom

Winning bidders receive a tax deduction for their purchase price thanks to the Federation's arrangement with the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Foundation that is managing the 2019 Silent Auction.

Sa Bom Nim Bill Nelson is working to support acquisitions and serving as auctioneer. Sa Bom Nim Frank Tsai and other Foundation Board directors are also also actively seeking to acquire valuable and interesting items members will enjoy bidding on. Sa Bom Nim Tsai will oversees onsite auction activity while  Stephanie Fitts heads up the local team who will help facilitate organize, present, and deliver won items to the winning bidders.

Now all that is needed to complete the Silent Auction team is you!

Your contributions make a difference.

Please give.


U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Moo Duk Kwan Federation (131)

The United States Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® was formed in 1975 by Moo Duk Kwan® Founder Hwang Kee and a group of dedicated practitioners in the U.S. In 1994 the Federation also adopted the tradename of The United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federtation®. Connect with the Federation via websites and social networks.

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