Foundation Donations in Memory of Cort Stinehour Sa Bom Nim
The United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Do Kwan Foundation 501(c)(3) endorses the following message from Mary Kate Stinehour Sa Bom Nim. - John A. Ballard, Chairman Hello, On behalf of my family and the Ellenville Moo Duk Kwan students, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated to the…
Read MoreCalling All Silent Auction Donors!
Silent Auction contributors are asked to contact the Silent Auction team leader, Stephanie Fitts via email to to let her know about items you plan to bring and donate.
Read More2017 Year End Giving Opportunity
On behalf of the Foundation board, we look forward to applying your generous donation toward our mission pursuit and we wish you and your family much joy and happiness during the upcoming holidays.
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