Apply For Sponsored Membership
U.S. Federation members have awarded up to $20,000 annually in complimentary Military memberships & other sponsorships, scholarships and goodwill initiatives.
Sponsored membership discounts typically match the tuition discount being provided to the applicant by their certified school. For example, when a school is providing a 50% discount on student tuition, then the Federation will provide a 50% discount on membership.
You may apply online or via written correspondence to Headquarters (postal, fax, email, etc.) with a brief description of special circumstances and list any financial discounts, concessions or assistance being provided by the student's instructor or school.
When using the online form, in the payment type drop down select applying for sponsored membership as the payment option. (A $3.50 convenience fee will be due for online application.)
Responses to applications are prompt.
The Federation has also formed the 501(c)(3) United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan FOUNDATION to help expand its resources through charitable contributions to support the Federation's Chartered Purposes.
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