Examinations For Rank, Instructor and School Certifications
The United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® is the exclusive source of legitimate Moo Duk Kwan® certifications in the USA pursuant to its Charter & Bylaws and perpetual agreement with Moo Duk Kwan® Founder Hwang Kee and his appointed successor organization.
Federation members have access to the following certifications from the Moo Duk Kwan® :
- Rank Certifications
- Gup (Under Black Belt) Rank Examinations
- Dan (Black Belt) Rank Examinations
- Ko Dan Ja (Master) Rank Examinations
- Instructor Certifications
- Jo Kyo (Class Assistant) Instructor Certification Examinations
- Kyo Sa (Teacher) Instructor Certification Examinations
- Kyo Bom, Associate
- Kyo Bom
- Sa Bom (Master Teacher) Instructor Certification Examinations
- School Certifications
- Teaching Program Certification and Inspections
- School Certification and Inspections
There are specific requirements and testing procedures for each certification issued by the Moo Duk Kwan® and they can be reviewed in the current Federation Member Manual, FAQs and links to pages on various Federation websites.