The following workgroups are to promote growth and strengthen the foundation of the Federation and its members.


To provide secure and intuitive technical resources online and at HQ for events and day to day operations for our staff, members, volunteers, and those interested in Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan with a focus on new student recruitment, conversion to members and extending the training time of members.

Executive Sponsor: Board Chair
Lead: Dwayne Townsend SBN
Volunteer Requirements: Experience with one or more of the following areas:

  • Project Management / SCRUM
  • UI/UX design and development
  • Information Architecture
  • Web Services
  • Database
  • Quality Assurance
  • Software Architecture



To provide a consistent brand image and professional internal and external communication strategy focusing on new student recruitment, member engagement, and member retention which is consistent with and supportive of the Moo Duk Kwan culture.

Executive Sponsor: Secretary
Lead: TBD
Volunteer Requirements: Experience with one or more of the following areas:

  • Graphic Design
  • Engagement Strategy and Conversion
  • Communication
  • Content Creation
  • Photography



To ensure educational and historical materials are current and available to members and those interested in Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan and to develop and publish new media content focusing on Continuing Education for instructors and school owners which is supportive of existing programs and the Soo Bahk Do and tang soo do curriculums within the Moo Duk Kwan.

Executive Sponsor: Treasurer
Lead: Phil Duncan SBN / John Johnson SBN
Volunteer Requirements: Experience with one or more of the following areas:

  • Project Management
  • Amazon Publishing
  • Content Development and Creation
  • Layout
  • Adobe Acrobat / InDesign
  • Kindle Create
  • Adobe Photoshop


Studio Owner

To foster growth and provide support for all current and future certified school owners and define the continuing education content needed to educate and encourage instructors to become school owners and school owners to actively employ best practices for recruiting new students, converting students to Federation members and retaining students longer.

Executive Sponsor: Vice Chair
Lead: Tim Clyde SBN
Volunteer Requirements: Experience with owning one or more of the following types of schools:

  • Certified Training Program
  • Certified School
  • Part time school owner
  • Full time school owner
  • Recreation Center, Church, School, Gym, or similar location
  • Rent Permanent Structure
  • Own Permanent Structure
  • Online School