How Has Learning Changed For Today's Youth
Master Mary Ann Walsh respected the well known educator Jeanne Gibbs who espouses that today's learning environment is much different and far more multi-faceted than in the past due in part to today's information technology.
In fact, today's learning experience is so different that the brain function of today's youth has literally been modified by the new learning environment.
Youngsters excel best in a multi-sensory, multi-faceted and challenging environment that engages the mind, body and spirit.
Gibbs advocates her Tribes® process with its mission summarized as follows:
The mission of Tribes® is,
"To assure the healthy development of every child so that each has the knowledge, skills, and resiliency to be successful in a rapidly changing world."
(Gibbs, J. (2001). Tribes. A New Way of Learning and Being Together. Windsor, California: CenterSource Systems, LLC. page 22)
According to Gibbs, Tribes® is,
"a democratic group process, not just a curriculum or set of cooperative activities." A 'process' is a sequence of events that lead to the achievement of an outcome. The outcome of the Tribes® process is to develop a positive environment that promotes human growth and learning."
(Ibid page 21)
Instructors certified through the non-profit U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation and teaching the Moo Duk Kwan's® proprietary Soo Bahk Do® martial art system provide a positive, challenging, multi-sensory, multi-faceted, technology supported and multi-cultural environment that strengthens the mind, body and spirit of every student.
Certified instructors emphasize strong core values, harmonious group interaction and personal responsibility in every student. The highly codified training curriculum also provides students with a progressive and incremental series of opportunities for success and recognition by their peers that inevitably results in personal growth and enhanced self esteem.
Students participating in the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system typically exhibit improvement in, but not limited to, self esteem, confidence, leadership initiative, grades, interpersonal skills, personal responsibility, physical skills and bully proofing.