Board Chair Update 02-24-2021

Greetings Federation Members and Supporters,


I trust this finds you and your families safe and well.


Recently the Board of Directors met to vote on the 2021 Executive Committee and discuss several topics in preparation for this year.  More meetings will be held soon to continue discussion and finalize decisions on the following topics.


2021 Executive Committee

The board voted to approve the following directors in their continued or new role on the Executive Committee:

  • Chair – Dwayne Townsend SBN,
  • Vice Chair – Chuck Holland SBN,
  • Treasurer – John Kim SBN,
  • Secretary – Jen Rupert SBN


Thank you for your support. 

We are humbled and honored to be able to serve the membership in this way!


Moo Duk Kwan® 75th Anniversary Commemorative Apparel Available

I wanted to remind everyone that commemorative Moo Duk Kwan® 75th Anniversary apparel are available now, but only until March 13! 

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to order before the deadline!

Order 75th Apparel Now



2021 National Festival

Although it appears pandemic circumstances may be improving, it remains difficult to predict local health policies or local guidelines that could adversely impact an in-person Nationals in 2021 planned in June-July-August.  This is a delicate issue and one we take very seriously.  The health and safety of our membership is a top priority in our decisions. 


One completely safe option is for the Federation to host a 2nd National Virtual Competition in 2021 and provide members nationwide with the opportunity to participate in national competition on your own schedule and without travel expenses and without the still uncertain covid risks of large group gatherings mid-year.

The 2020 Virtual National Competition was very well supported with over 500 prerecorded uploads and we anticipate announcing a target date for the 2021 National Virtual Competition very shortly. Please make plans to participate.


2021 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa & Moment With The Masters

Last year, the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa (KDJSS) and Moment With The Masters was cancelled due to the pandemic.  At this time, predictions are that by the end of 2021, pandemic circumstances will have diminished and group gatherings will once again be more predictable and safe for participants.  We are working with the TAC to determine a location and schedule for the combined 2020/2021 KDJSS and candidates from both years will be invited.  Double the candidates will make the Moment With The Masters experience even more awesome than usual. More details to come.


Volume 1

In 2019, Volume 1 was reprinted and offered in a limited edition print.  This year, the standard edition of  Volume 1 will be available for everyone to order.   As soon as this is available, communication will be sent out to instructors and then to the membership so that everyone has an opportunity to own this valuable resource and connection to our history.


International Goodwill Connections

As we continue to grow in this virtual climate, we have the perfect opportunity to establish relationships with other Federations worldwide.  This year, I will be reaching out to other WMDK Federation chairs in order to open the door for communication and then eventually open discussions about common issues and opportunities.  Initiating these connections will help benefit USA members and other members worldwide.


Thank you for your support and for the opportunity to serve you in this way,






Dwayne Townsend
Board Chair 2021



Dwayne Townsend (15)

Dwayne Townsend currently serves as the Board Chair and also as the Board representative elected by United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® members in Region 6. Townsend Sa Bom Nim has also been appointed by the TAC Chair as a Regional Examiner for Region 6 of the United States So Bahk Do Moo Duk KWan Federation®.  He is an internationally certified 5th Dan practitioner and a certified master instructor (Sa Bom) of the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system taught in Moo Duk Kwan® schools worldwide.

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