Inspiration And Growth From The Inside Out

Throughout 2024, Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® president is conducting a tour across the USA sharing his message with Federation members about "Growing from the Inside Out.” 


As practitioners we are truly blessed to have access to such inspirational leadership and guidance in Kwan Jang Nim. His vision of strengthening both the art and ourselves by cultivating growth from the inside out is so powerful.


When we reflect on our own experiences in the Moo Duk Kwan each of us can recall moments of magic when it just all comes together; a seamless Hyung, a great sparring match, or maybe a nugget learned in class that elevates your outside life.


Along with those moments, there is most likely an influential instructor, clinic leader, partner or a simply a great class which contributed to that moment of growth. Over the years, at our respective studios, we have all crossed paths with someone who made a strong difference in our lives both in and out of the dojang.  Perhaps unknown to you, you may be that inspiration to another student. That growth, and those types of leaders are exactly what the Federation is looking for while it preserves the future by growing from the inside out. 


Following an event such as Kwan Jang Nim’s current Vision Tour, our cups are often really full and we start looking for ways to reinvigorate our own training. Instructor certification is a measurable and achievable way to keep that inspiration going!


The Board of Directors, in keeping with its mission to support members and studio owners in promulgating the growth of Soo Bahk Do while pursuing personal growth and excellence, has added a special opportunity for inspired members who would like to take their practice of Soo Bahk Do® martial art system to a whole new level. 


Eligible members who attend one or more of the Kwan Jang Nims Tour appearances during 2024 will receive a 30% discount on any instructor certification kit or school certification.


This is a great opportunity to develop yourself by taking your Moo Duk Kwan experience to a whole new level, and inspire others to grow in their own journey as well!


Can’t make a tour appearance? Thats ok!


Through 12/31/24, any eligible member who would like to begin actively sharing our art with others by instructing them in their study of Soo Bahk Do will receive a 30% discount on any Instructor Certification Study Kit and/or a school certification after attending one or more in-person National Federation Events:

Ready to get START-ed?


You can get your code by emailing


We hope to see you during Kwan Jang Nim's 2024 tour!


In the Moo Duk Kwan

Jen Rupert,
Board Chair 2024 

Jen Rupert (3)

Jen Rupert serves as the Board representative elected by United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® members in Region 8.

Jen Rupert, Moo Duk Kwan® Dan Bon 42052 is an internationally certified Master level practitioner and Master level instructor (Sa Bom) of the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system taught in Moo Duk Kwan® schools worldwide.

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