Inspiration And Growth From The Inside Out

Throughout 2024, Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® president is conducting a tour across the USA sharing his message with Federation members about "Growing from the Inside Out.”    As practitioners we are truly blessed to have access to such inspirational leadership and guidance in Kwan Jang Nim. His vision of strengthening both…

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Korea Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Cancelled For October 15-21, 2021

Dear Members, I hope you and your family are doing well. The World Moo Duk Kwan® and the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association have agreed to cancel the 2021 Korea Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa that was scheduled October 15-21. This action is being taken due to uncertainty about the global pandemic situation and for…

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Is Tang Soo Do The Same As Soo Bahk Do®?

No. Tang Soo Do is not the same as Soo Bahk Do®. The Tang Soo Do martial art system developed by Hwang Kee was a precursor to his more advanced Soo Bahk Do martial art system.
Moo Duk Kwan martial art school Founder Hwang Kee taught an early iteration of his martial art system and philosophy under the name "Tang Soo Do." Later he modified the contents of his system and coined the name "Soo Bahk Do®" to identify his unique martial art system as taught in all authorized Moo Duk Kwan martial art schools worldwide.

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The Fire
By Phil Duncan

What is it about a fire that draws us to it almost instinctively? We may not even be cold, yet we can't resist "backing up" to a nice warm fire. Is it just coincidence that we are so predictable when we are near one or could it be that we have an inborn sense that draws us to it? It seems that almost everyone is attracted to and responds the same way to a well tended and controlled fire. Perhaps this offers a unique insight into one aspect of our art

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