Federation Responds To Coronavirus Disruption of Training In Schools
How To Continue Student Progress Toward Next Rank When Coming To Class Is Not Possible

Dwayne Townsend, Sa Bom

Greetings Ko Dan Ja, Certified Instructors, and Certified School Owners,

I trust this finds you and your families well and in good spirits.

In several regions, class schedules and group training availability are being disrupted due to the virus and each community’s best efforts to combat the spread of it.  This is creating an unfortunate and negative impact to school owners and students.

However, there is an opportunity for motivated school owners to leverage Federation resources that can help keep students engaged even though they cannot attend class.

By offering distance learning opportunities that allow students to continue their progress toward their next rank by completing assigned activities (like many universities are doing) school owners may be able to keep students excited and engaged in pursuit of their next rank while minimizing requests for tuition stoppage, refunds and prorating.

The Federation is providing support for schools and students by providing guidance on how to leverage the Soo Bahk Do® Institute for distance learning purposes.

Guidance will cover how to create a virtual training space by setting up and joining groups, uploading videos and content specifically for your students and adding your content to those groups, plus best practices that can help you increase student participation.

Joshua Duncan, Sa Bom

This Wednesday night March 18 at 8 p.m. CDT, we are hosting an urgent GROWTH Teleconference featuring Joshua Duncan Sa Bom Nim and Brian Corrales Sa Bom Nim. In this Teleconference, Duncan Sa Bom Nim will provide step-by-step guidance about how to setup your virtual training space and online courses for your students. He will also discuss how you can leverage that content in a user-friendly format for your students.

Teleconference participants will also be provided a discount code that schools can give to their students and which will provide 90 days of access to the institute for only $1.

Brian Corrales, Sa Bom

After discussing the Institute, we will also discuss live streaming options such as YouTube and Zoom with Corrales Sa Bom Nim.

If anyone has leveraged streaming options for class instruction before, we would love to hear from you and encourage you to share with other instructors during the teleconference. 

  • Date:   
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
  • Time: 
8 p.m. Central Daylight Time
  • Teleconference#: 
  • Access Code: 

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you during the Teleconference.

In Moo Duk Kwan,






Dwayne Townsend
Board Chair

U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Moo Duk Kwan Federation (131)

The United States Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® was formed in 1975 by Moo Duk Kwan® Founder Hwang Kee and a group of dedicated practitioners in the U.S. In 1994 the Federation also adopted the tradename of The United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federtation®. Connect with the Federation via websites and social networks.

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