Ko Dan Ja Attending Festival Please Notify TAC By Completing This Form

Bill Nelson, Sa Bom

Bill Nelson, Sa Bom

Message From TAC Designated Floor Manager
Bill Nelson, Sa Bom, TAC Neh Gung Bu 8th Dan 21420

Ko Dan Ja interested is serving as Center Referees and Ring Judges are requested to notify me that you plan to attend by completing this online form or email me at  alligirl@charter.net

I will be organizing participants into divisions, managing new team divisions, setting up competition brackets and seeking to assure an efficient configuration for the competition and the support of Ko Dan Ja is critical to the success of this event.

Ko Dan Ja Attending The Festival Please Notify TAC By Completing This Form.

Thank you in advance for your support!


Look At Who You'll Be Joining!

Festival Admin (7)

The United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® National Festival is a premiere annual event sponsored and hosted by U.S. Federation members. Come join us and enjoy exciting high level seminars, demonstrate your skills in the individual and Regional Team competitions, then celebrate at the Saturday evening banquet. Reserve your hotel room online and register today.