TAC Chairman Announces 2025 Appointment Updates

Josh Lockwood, Sa Bom Nim

Happy New Year Everyone -


I hope this message finds you well and that each of you had an enjoyable Holiday Season with family and friends.


As we turn our focus to 2025, we look for your continued active participation as we connect through training and strive to improve human relations in doing so. As you know, we have already confirmed the dates / location for the 2025 National Festival and Golden Jubilee Celebration in July and will be sharing the event details soon to begin the registration process. Additionally, information on the 2025 Virtual Nationals will be communicated shortly as we will conduct that event during the first part of the year. Lastly, we are working to secure the 2025 Moment with the Masters and Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa dates / location within the next month to support advanced planning to attend. The Ko Dan Ja candidate recommendation process has begun, and we will share the invitations with those candidates by early February. Throughout the year, TAC will be organizing virtual and in-person seminars in addition to the events noted above, be on the lookout for that information to ensure we stay connected.


On behalf of the Kwan Jang Nim, I would like to announce that Christy Cooper Sa Bom Nim has been appointed to the Technical Advisory Committee serving on the Jin Heung Bu. We congratulate her on this new role and look forward to her continued contributions after many years serving as a Regional Examiner and dedicated Studio Owner.


Furthermore, on behalf of the Technical Advisory Committee, I would like to announce three new Regional Examiner appointments as listed below with terms effective immediately:

  • Region 1 - Andrew Cheever Sa Bom Nim
  • Region 4 - Tommy Brantley Sa Bom Nim
  • Region 5 - Joey LaJoice Sa Bom Nim

We congratulate these members on their appointment and look forward to their Regional leadership and service to the Federation. With these changes, please see the summary of Regional Examiner Appointments and TAC Oversight Assignments listed below:


Region REX Salutation Term Expiration TAC Oversight


Jeff Mackey Sa Bom Dec-2025 F. Tsai SBN
Andrew Cheever Sa Bom Dec-2027


Elaine Phillips Sa Bom Dec-2025 J. Lockwood SBN
MK Stinehour Sa Bom Dec-2025


Tim Clyde Sa Bom Dec-2025 S. Fittanto SBN
Jonathan Youmans Sa Bom Dec-2027


Tommy Brantley Sa Bom Dec-2027 R. Cruz SBN


Carl Vonck Sa Bom Dec-2025 C. Cooper SBN
Joey LaJoice Sa Bom Dec-2027


Hiram Turner Sa Bom Dec-2027 B. Corrales SBN
James Bennett Sa Bom Dec-2025
Dwayne Townsend Sa Bom Dec-2025


Mike Kelly Sa Bom Dec-2025 J. Lockwood SBN
Sean Cullen Sa Bom Dec-2025


Andy Hamer Sa Bom Dec-2027 J. Gibbons SBN


Vicki Kenyon Sa Bom Dec-2025 J. Duncan SBN
Robert Maderazo Sa Bom Dec-2027


Sean Oulashin Sa Bom Dec-2027 J. Rosenthal SBN
Carly Burris Sa Bom Dec-2025


We would like to thank the membership, instructors and studio owners for your continued dedication and active support - you are all valued more than you know.  Let's focus on a very positive, extremely Moo Do and ultimately successful 2025!  We are looking forward to connecting with all of you soon.

In Moo Duk Kwan,

Josh Lockwood
Chair, Technical Advisory Committee

U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Moo Duk Kwan Federation (131)

The United States Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® was formed in 1975 by Moo Duk Kwan® Founder Hwang Kee and a group of dedicated practitioners in the U.S. In 1994 the Federation also adopted the tradename of The United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federtation®. Connect with the Federation via websites and social networks.

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