2019 National Festival HOTEL SOLD OUT POLL
Your immediate response to this poll is requested if you need a room

2019 National Festival Hotel is SOLD OUT POLL. The Federation is requesting your IMMEDIATE response to help us determine if enough members who are planning to attend still need rooms to determine if the Federation may be able to establish an overflow hotel arrangement at the best rate we can get for you at an alternate Hotel nearby.

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Dans Have Exclusive Opportunity To Learn The Ship Dan Kum Hyung Series
November 9-16, 2018

Can you think of a more fitting celebration of Founder Hwang Kee's Moo Duk Kwan® anniversary on November 9th, than to commemorate it with the public introduction of his interpretation of the Ship Dan Kum Hyung series by the USA TAC Chairman, Sa Bom Nim Craig Hays at the 2018 Moment With The Masters and Ko Dan Ja Shim Shim Sa week?

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World Moo Duk Kwan® Symposium Chairman Thanks USA Members

World Moo Duk Kwan® Symposium Chairman Thanks USA Members. A short letter to say thanks to the USA Federation's members for their generosity and attention to all preparations and support for the successful 2018 Work Moo Duk Kwan® Symposium held earlier this month at the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® 40th National Festival in Montgomery Texas.

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2017 Year End Giving Opportunity

Master John Maihos, Foundation President

On behalf of the Foundation board, we look forward to applying your generous donation toward our mission pursuit and we wish you and your family much joy and happiness during the upcoming holidays.

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