Bullying. Will Your Child Be Next?

Teen Student In California Dies From Bullying

Grade Schooler In Tomball, Texas Student Hospitalized From Bullying

Depending on oversight by adults to prevent or stop bullying incidents is a faulty strategy because bullies predominantly target their victims out-of-sight of adults who might intervene.

Moo Duk Kwan® Certified Instructors and School owners have more opportunity to prevent bullying incidents than almost anyone else because they empower potential victims to defend themselves when no one else is present to protect them.

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Volume 1 Autographed Collector's Edition Going, Going, Gone...

Moo Duk Kwan® Founder Hwang’ Kee’s original Volume 1 Textbook (hardback, 450+ pages) has been out of print since 2010.  Copies have become extremely rare and expensive if you can even find one. ($575 AbeBooks, $300-$600 Amazon & EBay.)

Preorder before Aug 31 to get your personal Autographed Collector's Edition of Volume.


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Gloria Waller's Husband Charles Passed Away

Gloria Waller, a valued long-time employee serving members of the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation lost her husband, Charles to death Thursday, January 24th, 2019.

Charles was a strong, invisible supporter of the Federation for years.

Year after year, his generous contribution of service to Federation members was done silently and without overt recognition or fanfare.

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