A Triple Opportunity Right From Home
Sat Oct 17, Name Your Own Price To Enter

Participating in a National Festival can require long-distance travel, airfare expense, hotel rooms, meals at restaurants, time away from home and maybe even time out of school or time off work. 

Then on top of all those factors one who is planning to attend a National Festival needs to train and hone techniques, perfect their Hyung and weaponize their sparring skills.

These are some of factors that result in only one-in-ten Federation members ever seeing or participating  in a live National Festival.

Unfortunately, ninety percent (90%) of Federation members never experience the thrill of being part of a national event, much less an International event like the World Moo Duk Kwan Young Warrior Showcase Auditions.

However, in 2020 the Kwan Jang Nim, the Board, and the TAC are providing members with a triple opportunity right from home.

Kwan Jang Nim has invited practitioners worldwide to audition for inclusion in the Moo Duk Kwan® Young Warrior Showcase and they can do so right from home.

The Board and the TAC are hosting the 1st Moo Duk Kwan® Prerecorded Competition via Uploads and the 1st Moo Duk Kwan®  Live Video Competition via Zoom videoconference.

The TAC has even added a Breaking division to the prerecorded competition!

AND The TAC has also added the Pal Gwe (age 3-7) division so all the youngest students can be part of this historic experience.

Each of these special events are open to members nationwide.

You can participate right from your own home.

Spectators can even watch.

Gone are many of the typical barriers to participating in a national event:

  • no long-distance travel
  • no rental car expense
  • no airfare expense
  • no hotel rooms
  • no meals at restaurants
  • no time away from home
  • no time out of school
  • no time off work

All you need to do to participate is train, then register for live competition and/or prerecorded competition and participate from home. 

PLUS when registering for prerecorded competition, you can also submit your audition for the Kwan Jang Nim's Young Warrior Showcase.

Never before has there been a triple opportunity right from home like this 0ne.

Oh, and did I  mention, that you also get to  NAME YOUR OWN PRICE to enter?

If you want to participate, then we want you to be able to do so for whatever amount you are comfortable contributing.

Are you still here?

What are you waiting for?

Go register now!


phil-duncan (23)

Phil Duncan serves as the Executive Administrator of the U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation providing and coordinating support services for the U.S. Federation Board, the Kwan Jang Nim, the U.S. Technical Advisory Committee, U.S. Regional Officials, U.S. Members, the Board Directors of the charitable non-profit U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan FOUNDATION and the World Moo Duk Kwan. He can be contacted at National Member Headquarters or philduncan@soobahkdo.com or (888) SOO-BAHK
"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal."
--Albert Pike

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