How To Submit Proposals To The Board Of Directors

Ron Strong, SBN, Dan Bon 37352

Ron Strong, SBN, Dan Bon 37352

Dear Federation Members,

May this find you in good health and spirits.

Recent discussions with several studio owners have brought forward new ideas that are quickly developing into proposals to advance the Moo Duk Kwan in the United States.

These open and forthright discussions have focused attention on membership trends, short and long-term financial considerations, and marketing with the goal of advancing the health of the Federation.

In an effort to develop ideas into proposals please proceed as follows if you would like your proposal to be considered by the Board of Directors.

The Board has an adopted 3-Step Communication Policy and schedule to support due diligence and an efficient annual budget preparation process. Proposals will be considered accordingly. You can view the annual timeline for budgeting and planning related activity here.

  1. A Proposal presenter should make every effort to develop their idea into a well thought out and workable proposal supported by numerical projections of anticipated outcomes.
    • It is not enough to tell us what is wrong.  Propose a solution that is well thought out and supported by reasonable assumptions and performance projections.
    • Please consider how your proposal might interact with other aspects and obligations of the Moo Duk Kwan®, whether it meets legal standards especially in regard to the IRS and other governmental entities; and of course how it coincides with our Moo Do philosophy.

  2. Submit your proposal to the Board Director representing your region.
    • Contact information for Board Directors can be found here and here.

  3. Regional Board Directors will route the proposal to the Board Chair. At the discretion of the Board Chair, any insufficiently developed proposals may be returned to the presenter for further development before acceptance for consideration by Board entities, the full Board or other Federation entities if applicable. Proposals the Board Chair deems sufficiently developed will be directed to the most appropriate entity or entities to thoroughly vet the proposal.
    • Proposals with financial implications will pass through the Financial Committee;
    • Long-term membership proposals might pass through the Long Term Workgroup;
    • Some proposals might pass through the Legal Committee;
    • Some proposals may be forwarded to the Kwan Jang Nim or Technical Advisory Committee for their consideration.
    • Some proposals may be determined to have dependencies or contingencies related to existing Federation practices or other proposals on the table and may therefore be combined with other proposals or modified or deferred as deemed appropriate during vetting.
    • Fully vetted proposals may eventually be brought before the full Board for consideration

  4.  The Board Chair will periodically update presenters about the status of a proposal.

  5. After vetting, any proposals determined to be insufficiently developed may be returned to the presenter for further development.

  6. Proposals determined to be potentially actionable will go before the full Board for discussion and potential implementation in the context of an annual budget and the supporting annual plan of action.

  7. If a proposal is deemed not actionable by the Board or other leadership entity, a brief response will go back to the presenter.

Please be aware that some proposals may have to be addressed by more than one group ( i.e. Finance Committee, Legal Committee, Kwan Jang Nim, TAC, etc.) which may necessarily lengthen the consideration process, but without this due diligence serious missteps could occur.

Also, be aware that the Board has adopted timeframes which apply for any proposal with financial implications or plan of action implications. The 2017 Projected Budget and Plan of Action have already been enacted; therefore, well developed proposals received by March 31, 2017 will be considered during the 2018 Projected Budgeting process as defined in the Board's 3-Step Communication Policy. Proposals received after March 31, 2017 will be developed as part of the 2019 or future budget as appropriate.

Proposals that have no financial effect on the adopted budget or significant impact on the adopted plan of action could be developed and implemented on a different schedule if the full Board approves doing so.

A means for submitting proposals online is also being developed and will be available shortly. The intent is to encourage proposal submissions by employing a consistent, standardized submission methodology that can help guide proposal submitters as well as current Board Directors and future Board Directors reviewing proposals.

It is encouraging to see proposals being developed.  It has long been recognized that thoughtful recommendations come from the entire membership and not just Directors.  This is an “Action Philosophy”.  I encourage your participation.

Respectfully in the Moo Duk Kwan,

Ron Strong, Board Chair
Region 5

Ron Strong (8)

Ron Strong, Sa Bom Moo Duk Kwan® Dan Bon 37352  serves as the Board representative elected by United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® members in Region 5.  He is an internationally certified Master level practitioner (Ko Dan Ja) and Master level Instructor (Sa Bom) of the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system taught in Moo Duk Kwan® martial art schools worldwide. He also operates a Moo Duk Kwan® certified school in Crandon, WI.


  1. Roberto Bonefont on 03/18/2017 at 11:15 am

    Is there a listings of the proposals coming before the BOD that the membership can reviewed and offer added suggestions to improve the proposals?

    In Moo Do,

    Roberto Bonefont, Sr., Region 2

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