Board Chairman Update 2017-03

Ron Strong, SBN, Dan Bon 37352

Ron Strong, SBN, Dan Bon 37352

Greetings, I hope this finds you all in good health and spirits. The Board of Directors met on March 1, 2017. Following are the major issues that were addressed.

Recommendation Evaluation Process

It has long been a priority of the Board of Directors to encourage recommendations from the membership and recently, there has been an uptick of interest from members about submitting proposals. Because of the increased activity, a Proposal Submission and Vetting Process has been established to document, review, and track proposals received from members. You can review the process at: How To Submit Proposals To The Board Of Directors - United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation®

Communication Enhancement

In an effort to increase communication between Board Directors and the membership, a new agenda item has been added for this, and future meetings. Directors and members alike have a responsibility to actively bring forth issues of relevance within their region to the full Board. Each Director will now have an added opportunity to address the Board with concerns directly from their region. I encourage each of you to reach out to your regional directors and share your thoughts and perspectives. Region 8 Director, Sa Bom Nim Susan Fittanto noted that students and instructors within Region 8 are moving to initiate development of an electronic newsletter. More information will be coming out as the process moves forward.

Foundation (501c3) Board Officers

The Foundation Board has elected a new Chair. Master John Maihos has served on the Foundation Board since its inception and has now stepped into the role of Chairman. Master Maihos has in the past served on the Federation (501c4) Board of Directors and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position.

Finance Committee Report

Treasurer Casselton shared a discussion on 2017 finances and progress on the 2018 budget. The Finance Committee will be closely monitoring membership numbers in the months ahead. Additionally, it was recommended that the Federation must resume fund raising to close out the remaining balance of the legal debt which stands at approximately $65,000.

Publish your own Soo Bahk Do Institute Content

(not discussed during the Board meeting but added as an informational topic for the membership) Within the Soo Bahk Do Institute each studio owner can create their own content for their students. The content can be created and published specifically to meet the needs of a school's student body. Access can be limited just to your students. There is no cost to the studio owner. The process is relatively simple. Steps are below.

  1. Notify headquarters of the desire to publish content for your studio
  2. Receive a brief orientation about how to proceed
  3. HQ elevates your publishing privileges so the studio can upload their content as desired and bypass moderation
  4. The studio can film their own video content and create menu access for their students

This concludes the major issues of discussion. Respectfully in the Moo Duk Kwan, Ron Strong, Board Chair Region 5

Ron Strong (8)

Ron Strong, Sa Bom Moo Duk Kwan® Dan Bon 37352  serves as the Board representative elected by United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® members in Region 5.  He is an internationally certified Master level practitioner (Ko Dan Ja) and Master level Instructor (Sa Bom) of the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system taught in Moo Duk Kwan® martial art schools worldwide. He also operates a Moo Duk Kwan® certified school in Crandon, WI.

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