Board Chairman Update 2017-11
2017-11-01 Meeting Followup

Greetings from the Board of Directors,

We would like to take the opportunity to provide an update of several programs and initiatives the Board of Directors has been addressing in the past several months.

Technical Advisory Committee

As you all know, The TAC has undergone a significant change this year.  The new Chair of the TAC is SBN Craig Hays from Region 6.  SBN Hays also serves on the Board of Directors as an appointee of the Kwan Jang Nim.  The board has always had a very positive working relationship with the TAC.  Now with SBN Hays as the Chair I look forward to even greater communication and between the Board of Directors and the Technical Advisory Committee.


Proposals from the Membership

In earlier communications I mentioned the “Proposal Vetting” process.  We now have a process to review submissions from the membership to insure that each proposal is given thoughtful and efficient review.  It also ensures that recommendations are not “lost” simply because there could be confusion about who is responsible to proceed toward implementation.  There are several well thought out proposals in the pipeline and being assessed.  Additionally, we are taking steps to inform the submitter of the progress as their proposal makes it’s way through the vetting process.



I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your past donations and fundraisers conducted in support of our Trademark Defense Fund.  Please consider an additional donation or Kick-A-Thon or break-a-thon to help us raise our target goal of $45,000 for our Trademark Defense Fund.

The Federation has prevailed in 100% of trademark infringement actions.  The total victory in the most recent legal action has created a precedent insuring that we have never been in a stronger position with which to protect our Moo Duk Kwan identity and intellectual property.  Further, we will continue to take steps to protect our identity from those who would infringe on what the Founder created, what the Kwan Jang Nim continues to lead and develop, and what members rightfully consider your own. Your continued support will make this possible.


Long Term Workgroup

The Workgroup was created as a way of promoting the art by supporting existing studios and CTP’s as well as expanding through studio growth.  The Workgroup is comprised of Studio Owners, Regional Examiners, TAC Members, and Board Directors.  Craig Hays SBN has been leading the Workgroup since it’s inception.  With his new position as TAC Chair, Hays SBN is turning over leadership of the Workgroup to Susan Fittanto SBN.  SBN Fittanto wears several hats.  She serves as Vice-Chair of the Board representing Region 8 and is a recently appointed member of the TAC.  SBN Fittanto brings a wealth of knowledge and energy to the position.


National Festival and Tournament

The 2017 National Festival was held in Region 6 at La Torretta Resort in Montgomery Texas just outside Houston.  The amenities at the resort were well received by the membership.  Region 6 is to be thanked for their hospitality and support for 2017.  The Silent Auction was very successful netting a 90% increase over 2016.  The 2017 Moment with the Masters and Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa was also held at La Torretta.


Region 6 has stepped up and will be hosting again in 2018 at La Torretta Resort.

The Board is still pursuing a location for 2019 Nationals.  So far no other Region has shown an interest in hosting 2019 but the door is still open.  Please talk to your regional leadership about this.  I think we all appreciate experiencing other areas so we can take advantage of diverse sites.

The Board has authorized contract negotiations with La Torretta for 2019 if no other Region elects to host.  We took this action in an effort to be proactive to afford adequate time for the Board and membership to plan.  If your region is interested in hosting 2019 please notify headquarters by January 1, 2018.


New Member Manuals

Next on the agenda for the Board is publication of revised and updated Member Manuals incorporating the Technical Advisory Committee's modified rank requirements.  This is an expensive proposition and is requiring great effort by Technical Advisory Committee.  The Board’s primary responsibility is funding for the new manuals.  We are moving forward with plans for an electronic version and hardcopies.  An electronic version will increase availability and allow for easier and more cost effective implementation of future changes as well as minimizing the expense of printing as many hard copies.


Board Elections

Regions 2, 3, 6, 9, and 10 are in the midst of Board Director elections.  New Directors will take office in January 2018 and serve a three-year term.  I would like to thank Directors who are leaving the Board for their dedication and service to the Moo Duk Kwan.

Respectfully in the Moo Duk Kwan,
Ron Strong, Chair
Region 5

Ron Strong (8)

Ron Strong, Sa Bom Moo Duk Kwan® Dan Bon 37352  serves as the Board representative elected by United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® members in Region 5.  He is an internationally certified Master level practitioner (Ko Dan Ja) and Master level Instructor (Sa Bom) of the Soo Bahk Do® martial art system taught in Moo Duk Kwan® martial art schools worldwide. He also operates a Moo Duk Kwan® certified school in Crandon, WI.

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