Board and TAC Chair COVID-19 Update

Greetings Federation Members, Heritage Members, and Supporters, We hope you and your families are in good health and great spirits. In response to member inquiries, we wanted to update everyone regarding the Federation’s current plan for the combined 2020-2021 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa and Moment with the Masters. Pending material changes in state and…

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Board Chair Update 04-07-2021

Greetings Federation Members and Supporters,   I trust this finds you and your families well and ready to enjoy the spring weather!  With restrictions lifting in certain areas, I hope that you are able to safely reconnect with friends, family, and fellow practitioners.   On April 7, the Board of Directors met to finalize and approve…

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Board Chair Update 05-02-2020
2020 National Festival

We have been closely monitoring the activities regarding state and federal responses to the Covid-19 outbreak.

After hearing your voices in the member polls, dialog with Regional Officials and considering ongoing travel restrictions, local attraction availability and other factors, we decided to focus on producing a combined event in the Fall rather than proceeding with the National Festival in Orlando in July. 

The combined Fall event's schedule of activities may include the Festival, Moment with the Masters, and the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa. More details will be forthcoming from the Technical Advisory Committee about the slate of activities.

We are currently working out the details at locations capable of hosting such a mega-event and based on input from Regional Officials the following region venues are currently under consideration.

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